Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am ridiculously fascinated with Falcon Heene, "balloon boy." His parents think they are direct descendants of aliens. Mr. Heene had a dream that he met an alien that said he was his father, which sounds like the best star trek/star wars mash-up ever.
I bought a book at White Rabbit about a year ago entitled, "Letters to the Air Force on UFO's." I've skimmed it a little bit, but never got around reading it in it's entirety, but this Falcon Heene saga has renewed my interest in it, I'll blog about any interesting findings.
My grandpa claims he saw aliens during his formative years as a colonel in the air force. He won't talk about it though. About a week ago he and I had an hour long conversation about retro electronics (I recently found a spy sound amplifier, the Orbitor OR310X, for $10 at Goodwill, the headphone jack broke once I got it home, so now I need to take it apart and fix it). I want to be exactly like my grandpa when I'm old.
I digress. My apartment is in dire need of a clean-up and revamp. I planned on cleaning it last night, but got side-tracked by alcohol.
On my walk home today a bunch of lady bags kept flying into my face, like little UFO's. I think this is the "lady bug baby boom" season.
ball bearings magazine (lowercase) has been sent to the printer, and will be published and available soon. I have two articles in this issue, a story on DEATHMARCH, and another article about sex offenders titled,"Close Encounters." The film Close Encounters of the Third Kind is suppose to take place in Delaware County, and Richard Dreyfuss is seen wearing a 'Ball U' t-shirt. I need the Close Encounters soundtrack, pretty bad.
I'm pretty gung-ho about learning to play the theremin.
And then I'll make a video like this:
Theremin, Girl. Blue Lights

Insincerely, Heather

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