Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bubble gum.

I can't sleep. eep. eep. 

I've been on the go-go. 

buut really! I've been on tour with my band. 

These are the nights, so that I remember it too when I'm 92 and looking through old posts on blogger.com. 

We started our little venture by spending a night in Chicago with Gavin and his lovely girlfriend Stephanie. top notch sushi. sat on the steps with maggie for awhile after drunkenly wondering through the grocery store. I was told to call the Marlboro company and tell them I  am  the Marlboro man and start making demands. I fell asleep in a chair. 

Our first show stop was in Iowa City, Iowa, a college town with a sweet little bar that played ABBA. thumbs up. We slept at a nice couples house, I made pancakes in the morning.

Stop two North Field, Minnesota, We played at Hogan's twice, received a 20$ tip, played another show in a bar on the balcony, had to quit playing b/c the crowd stomping and table dancing was getting too loud. I'd say this was my favorite gig of ours.

Stop three, Minneapolis, Minnesota, this is where we hung at our hats for a few days with the ever gracious Jesse Schuster. We played shows at the Nomad and the Turf Club. We played capture the flag. I had tofu at the Seward Cafe. I whipped up a mexican dish for the gang. We drank and we were merry. 

Stop four, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, my favorite, we played at the Paradigm, we stayed in a beautiful apartment above the Paradigm, I met the sweetest old lady in the whole wide world named Renee, and we talked about how Elvis Presley is still alive for hours at a place called Ashley's Pub. It was darling. Justin and I ended up at a metal bar having strawberry shortcake shots with the bartender. 

and in between those little lines, there are a lot of little stories. but now I think I can sleep. eep. eep.   Today while I was still home in Muncie, Jeremy and I created some lovely music. I'm at my grandparent's house in Indianapolis for a few days, then I'm going to Edinburgh to see Joe.  

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today, My cellular telephone device decided to take a little swim whilst I was brushing my teeth. The sink filled up with water because I need to use drano again.

It slipped, and my little life flashed before me. Oh no, my little pocket buddy! 
I quickly scooped it up and ran into my room and began patting it dry with the blanket from my freshly made bed. I turned it on and, as if it was just trying to breath, it would turn yellow and blue, and that's it. I dialed my mom's phone number, it worked, but I could barely hear her. 

Then I used the vacuum attachment on it. Then put it in the fridge for the day. an odd combination, I know.
But alas! It  works now and so goes the tale of the cellular phone and the h20. 

Speaking of phones and water. If it did indeed stop working, I would have quite a qualm with AT&T. The world is made mostly of water, my body is 75% water, why can't a phone take a little dampness. 

technology isn't very friendly, with it's lack of emotions and buttons, I'm getting a typewriter. 

the end

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jeremy B. Bauer

Jeremy Bauer told me to get a blog, but last time I checked he wasn't the boss of me. 

Soon, I  will blog about weird sounds he may or may not make in the room next to me. Bauer isn't recognized in spellcheck.
Jeremy Bauer likes to pretend to throw up on me. Little does he know I've performed a brain surgery on him removing his bilateral vomitation center, a real place in the brain that decides when one will spew. 

the end. 
