Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jeremy B. Bauer

Jeremy Bauer told me to get a blog, but last time I checked he wasn't the boss of me. 

Soon, I  will blog about weird sounds he may or may not make in the room next to me. Bauer isn't recognized in spellcheck.
Jeremy Bauer likes to pretend to throw up on me. Little does he know I've performed a brain surgery on him removing his bilateral vomitation center, a real place in the brain that decides when one will spew. 

the end. 


  1. so far this blog reminds me of how i've vomited on a lot of people. i love that you have a blogspot! you'll say tons of cool things i can read about now.

  2. My vomit is cosmic and therefore cannot be stopped.

    It will continue.
    It will continue till everyone's dead.
    It will mutate carpet fibers into universe moon rabbits.

    That is the power of the cosmic vomit.

