Sunday, November 1, 2009

Buddy Holly, Rave on

Holly gained popularity in 1957. Between the years of 1957 to 1959 he sang lead vocals and played lead guitar in the band Buddy Holly and the Crickets and later embarked upon his own solo career - although during his solo career the Crickets still played background on his albums. Holly was killed in an aircraft accident on February 2, 1959 in Clearlake, Iowa. Fellow musicians Ritchie Valens and Jiles Perry Richardson Jr known as “The Big Bopper” were also killed in the accident. Don McLean referred to the accident as the day the music died in his 1971 hit song.

“The irony is when he died in February 1959 at that point, for the next few years Holly is pretty much forgotten,” says rock ‘n’ roll historian Dr. David Aquila. “While other artists like Chuck Berry and Elvis were A’ s. Holly was a solid B and it’s not until the 1960’s that he’s elevated. Holly is probably much better known today then he was back then.”

Aquila attributed the revival of Buddy Holly and the Crickets music to artists like Bobby Vee, Tommy Roe and The Beatles. Each musician looked to Holly for musical inspiration and emulated him.

“For many teenagers when they heard about the death of Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, Richie Valens, It was the first time that many of the young kids had dealt with death. This was someone younger,” says Aquila. “From that perspective, that probably had a lot to with why Buddy Holly became such a myth in American society.”

Teenagers in the ‘50s went crazy for Holly’s music but does his music still rave on five decades later? It’s undeniable that the course of music has changed since Holly hit the Memphis stage and that rock ‘n’ roll has completely transformed through technological leaps in the music. Some music fans are skeptical over whether these advancements have really improved music or if the ‘50s really do mark the day the music died.

Elise French and Nicole Bonjour, both in their twenties, have a disdain for new music and an affinity for musicians and the culture of the ‘50s. They both see a change back to the ‘oldies’.

Kenneth Nichols and sister Edith Martin, both in their sixties, grew up in southern Texas, close to Lubbock, Texas where Holly was born. They both remember the popularity of Holly and the thrill of the new rock ‘n’ roll era and continue to listen to the music of the ‘50s.

“It was an exciting time,” says Martin. “Before everything was about the adults. The kids didn’t have a voice or an avenue – They didn’t have anything. Buddy Holly was to the kids of the fifties what the Beatles were to kids of the sixties. He was the cream of the crop.”

Today’s generation has no definitive band or music style that defines them. Regarding music throughout the decades and pop culture, Aquila said that people have to ask themselves what does this say about the society?

“I think music has evolved into a totally different beast than it used to be,” says French. “On one hand, popular music just gets bigger and more ridiculous and produced. On the other hand, it seems to me like more and more people are searching for something else.”

It seems bands have picked up this musical philosophy as well. Weezer pays homage to Holly in their song, “Buddy Holly”. The Raveonettes created their band name by combining Holly’s song “Rave On” with the ‘50s girl band The Ronettes. The lead singer of Weezer, Rivers Cuomo, still wears the thick black-rimmed style of glasses Holly wore to compensate for his 20/800 vision. Weezer and The Raveonettes each produce a sound reminiscent of Holly’s. Their bands go against the current mainstream music.

“Not to knock it, but to me music now-a-days is all degrading and there’s no romance,” says Nichols. “There’s no heart strings being pulled. I guess it’s because I’m old and I remember that music and how it was and how good it was to grab your partner and slow dance and sweep her off her feet.”

Store shelves and online shopping web sites show no trace of licensed Buddy Holly merchandise. A Buddy Holly box set doesn’t exist in the music market, either. Family members and recording companies are still in legal limbo over Holly’s royalties and likeness. It seems the only tangible thing fans can hold onto are an imitation pair of thick black-rimmed glasses or Gary Busey’s film adaption of the musician.

“Buddy Holly would have more of an influence on the music today if he was seen more,” says Bonjour. “It seems like out an out of sight, out of mind thing or out of sounds out of mind.”

What would the 72-year-old Buddy Holly be doing now? Prior to his death, Holly was working on developing a recording studio and producing musicians like Ritchie Valens and Waylon Jennings.

“Music was going in a different direction by the early ‘60s,” says Aquila. “It’s possible that Holly could have made the transition. He was practicing the use of strings…But who knows.”

Martin believes that Holly may have made the transition as well.

“I think he would’ve been like Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys,” says Martin. “Extremely talented, able to contribute in his writing, honing his natural music. Anybody can sing, can get up and sing a song but not everybody can write and not everybody can create.”

Holly is often reveled as the forefather of rock ‘n’ roll. It seems society misses their rock ‘n’ roll royalty. The current revival of Holly’s music may be telling of society’s musical wishes and perhaps the desire to have their heart strings pulled once more from Holly’s Fender Stratocaster because he really struck a chord in the hearts of many generations.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I suggest attending...

OPTICAL POPSICLE performed by Know No Stranger,

I attended the performance this Friday, and it was visually, emotionally and artistically moving. literally.
I plan on writing a review of the performance soon and incorporating my sister's photographs from the show, but here's a little clip:

Love Heather

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bo Diddley Beat

Bo Diddley never received a royalty check. Weird, huh?

He also had custom-made Gretsch guitars with fur bodies and rocket tails connected to his 25-watt Magnatone, he electrified his guitar with a radio and a phonograph and he made the whoompwhoompwhoomp with an old windup clock.

I went to see him when he played at Emen's a couple of years ago. It was me, Jake, Chris and a lot of old apple sauce eaters that knew how to dance. I wish I could remember some of his quotes because that man had a way of talking. i.e. "Dirty Mother Fuyer." 

Soo, The Bo Diddley Beat was derived from the hambone (juba dance) and church beats. 
(Hambone is also a term for four consecutive strikes in bowling). I think at the next dance party at I'll break out some of the juba dance steps including, yaller cat, the jubal jew, blow that candle out and the long dog scratch. Now can you hambone baby boomp, ba boomp, ba bomp, bomp-bomp. Some interesting hambone, here, the uploader refers to hambone as the granddaddy of beat-boxing. hah. 
I want to be exactly like Norma Jean Wofford, the Duchess, She's darling.

Embarrassingly enough, I just realized today that George Michael's song "Faith" is the Bo Diddley beat.

Nap time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Bats write love songs. Like, real live bats.

Matt Soniak writes about in the m e n t a l_floss article, "Bats Follow Musical Rules When Writing Love Songs."

According to the article, chirps are complex phrases composed of "A" and "B" syllables, trills are composed of short downward FM syllables that can be connected or separated by short silent intervals and buzzes are composed of short downward FM syllables that are never connected.

Here's a sample, that I need to sample:

bat love songs, 
very neat.

Raisins, The Pendeltons

best White Rabbit find du jour: 1988 Applause California Raisins 6" Poseable Girl for $2
She will be now sit alongside my "The California Raisins: Sing the hits" vinyl and cassette tape insert. 
This lucky find made me wonder what California Raisin information is available online and alas, they have a website  (with a very good song list, I might add, including Little Richard and Booker T & the MG's), but more importantly there is a California Raisin Advisory Board Web site, advocates for our little withered grape friends.. Futhermore, the California Raisin film, Meet the California Raisins is available here, in three parts.
 Ray Charles and Michael Jackson were both California Raisins. Will Vinton, the creator of The California Raisins, patented the Claymation process and worked on Michael Jackson's film, Moonwalker (really worth a watch as well, obviously there's some really great Claymation, including a Pee Wee Herman Claymation character). Vinton is currently responsible for the m&m's commercials.

A man named Webster Colcord currently owns the original California Raisins sculptures, I can't find his telephone number.

I can't really talk about The California Raisins without mentioning James Furness's (Gill) epic entrance as a California Raisin during Melanie's halloween party a few years ago. (I was Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo, but most people didn't notice a difference)

Also at the White Rabbit, I found Official NASA pictures of the moon, Hush..Hush Sweet Charlotte VHS (Bette Davis), The Day of the Triffids VHS, Roy Roger's DVD and a tiny R2-D2 figurine. 

After my findings, I had some veggie pizza with Sam, JJ and Nolan.

Lastly, Today I found out (and this fact has been debated) that The Beach Boys used an electro-theremin  on "Good Vibrations," "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times," "Inspiration," and "Wild Honey." The electro-theremin was originally developed for Paul Tanner by Bob Whitsell in 1958. Tanner gained popularity during a stint with Glenn Miller as a session trombonist. The modern version of the electro-theremin is called a Tannerin (after Paul  Tanner). Brian Wilson currently uses a Polk Tannerin, furthermore, during earlier live performances of  "Good Vibrations" The Beach Boys used a Moog ribbon controller.
P.S. The Beach Boys former name was The Pendeltons, but was changed to The Beach Boys by their label without first consulting The Beach Boys/The Pendeltons.


I am ridiculously fascinated with Falcon Heene, "balloon boy." His parents think they are direct descendants of aliens. Mr. Heene had a dream that he met an alien that said he was his father, which sounds like the best star trek/star wars mash-up ever.
I bought a book at White Rabbit about a year ago entitled, "Letters to the Air Force on UFO's." I've skimmed it a little bit, but never got around reading it in it's entirety, but this Falcon Heene saga has renewed my interest in it, I'll blog about any interesting findings.
My grandpa claims he saw aliens during his formative years as a colonel in the air force. He won't talk about it though. About a week ago he and I had an hour long conversation about retro electronics (I recently found a spy sound amplifier, the Orbitor OR310X, for $10 at Goodwill, the headphone jack broke once I got it home, so now I need to take it apart and fix it). I want to be exactly like my grandpa when I'm old.
I digress. My apartment is in dire need of a clean-up and revamp. I planned on cleaning it last night, but got side-tracked by alcohol.
On my walk home today a bunch of lady bags kept flying into my face, like little UFO's. I think this is the "lady bug baby boom" season.
ball bearings magazine (lowercase) has been sent to the printer, and will be published and available soon. I have two articles in this issue, a story on DEATHMARCH, and another article about sex offenders titled,"Close Encounters." The film Close Encounters of the Third Kind is suppose to take place in Delaware County, and Richard Dreyfuss is seen wearing a 'Ball U' t-shirt. I need the Close Encounters soundtrack, pretty bad.
I'm pretty gung-ho about learning to play the theremin.
And then I'll make a video like this:
Theremin, Girl. Blue Lights

Insincerely, Heather

Sunday, August 23, 2009



Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Captain Kirk is smoooooottth..

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I don't feel good. 
That sucks.

I'm doing the best I can to survive.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bubble gum.

I can't sleep. eep. eep. 

I've been on the go-go. 

buut really! I've been on tour with my band. 

These are the nights, so that I remember it too when I'm 92 and looking through old posts on 

We started our little venture by spending a night in Chicago with Gavin and his lovely girlfriend Stephanie. top notch sushi. sat on the steps with maggie for awhile after drunkenly wondering through the grocery store. I was told to call the Marlboro company and tell them I  am  the Marlboro man and start making demands. I fell asleep in a chair. 

Our first show stop was in Iowa City, Iowa, a college town with a sweet little bar that played ABBA. thumbs up. We slept at a nice couples house, I made pancakes in the morning.

Stop two North Field, Minnesota, We played at Hogan's twice, received a 20$ tip, played another show in a bar on the balcony, had to quit playing b/c the crowd stomping and table dancing was getting too loud. I'd say this was my favorite gig of ours.

Stop three, Minneapolis, Minnesota, this is where we hung at our hats for a few days with the ever gracious Jesse Schuster. We played shows at the Nomad and the Turf Club. We played capture the flag. I had tofu at the Seward Cafe. I whipped up a mexican dish for the gang. We drank and we were merry. 

Stop four, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, my favorite, we played at the Paradigm, we stayed in a beautiful apartment above the Paradigm, I met the sweetest old lady in the whole wide world named Renee, and we talked about how Elvis Presley is still alive for hours at a place called Ashley's Pub. It was darling. Justin and I ended up at a metal bar having strawberry shortcake shots with the bartender. 

and in between those little lines, there are a lot of little stories. but now I think I can sleep. eep. eep.   Today while I was still home in Muncie, Jeremy and I created some lovely music. I'm at my grandparent's house in Indianapolis for a few days, then I'm going to Edinburgh to see Joe.  

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today, My cellular telephone device decided to take a little swim whilst I was brushing my teeth. The sink filled up with water because I need to use drano again.

It slipped, and my little life flashed before me. Oh no, my little pocket buddy! 
I quickly scooped it up and ran into my room and began patting it dry with the blanket from my freshly made bed. I turned it on and, as if it was just trying to breath, it would turn yellow and blue, and that's it. I dialed my mom's phone number, it worked, but I could barely hear her. 

Then I used the vacuum attachment on it. Then put it in the fridge for the day. an odd combination, I know.
But alas! It  works now and so goes the tale of the cellular phone and the h20. 

Speaking of phones and water. If it did indeed stop working, I would have quite a qualm with AT&T. The world is made mostly of water, my body is 75% water, why can't a phone take a little dampness. 

technology isn't very friendly, with it's lack of emotions and buttons, I'm getting a typewriter. 

the end

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jeremy B. Bauer

Jeremy Bauer told me to get a blog, but last time I checked he wasn't the boss of me. 

Soon, I  will blog about weird sounds he may or may not make in the room next to me. Bauer isn't recognized in spellcheck.
Jeremy Bauer likes to pretend to throw up on me. Little does he know I've performed a brain surgery on him removing his bilateral vomitation center, a real place in the brain that decides when one will spew. 

the end. 
